Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to be a good player quickly?
Vil du bli god i en fart?

(Vil du bli god i en fart? – Norsk versjon >>)

The LearningChess Norwegian version launched just six months ago, but we have already received a lot of positive feedback from coaches and home users who bought access to the courses and the Learning Management. However, the biggest surprise was a review in the latest issue of the Norwegian Chess Magazine (Norsk Sjakkblad).

The Norwegian Chess Magazine (Norsk Sjakkblad) #2/220


Welcome to LearningChess Free for Schools Program info page for the 2020/21 school year.

More than 70.000 children studied worldwide with LearningChess for free in our different scholastic programs in the last years.

We understand that our program is becoming increasingly important during the coronavirus pandemic. We gladly inform you that LearningChess owners extend the ongoing charity program to the 2020/21 school year for underprivileged schools.

This year’s motto: “It’s not how much we give but how much love we put into giving.” – Mother Theresa

How LearningChess helped Vyom
in winning his first U-6 medal

Update (February 2020) Vyom is a FIDE rated player!
In January 2020 Vyom got 1146 FIDE rapid rating. He is 8.5 years old now.
His father, Prashant said: With the coach and study, his chess game is improving day by day.

Update (November 2017) More medals in the following tournaments
Vyom won two gold medals in his next tournaments in U7 Category. Please find more details below.

Board Buddies in LogiQ Land
Developing STEM skills

>>> Jump to the Hungarian version (ugrás a magyar verzióra) >>>

We introduce the Board Buddies in LogiQ Land, our new handbook for parents and teachers written by Márk Szávin, our educational consultant at LearningChess.

With digital content

“Children of the Z and Alpha generations will face many new challenges in the future, and most of them will pursue careers that do not even exist today. The primary purpose of this book is to introduce games and exercises that develop creative thinking and thus enable children to tackle and solve unexpected, complex problems confidently.” – says Márk.


Bemutatkozik az országos Te-jössz! sakk-logika verseny 2019 győztese!  „Hol volt, hol nem volt, az Óperenciás tengeren is túl, volt egy osztály. Egy osztály, amelyik okos, csak egy kicsit bolondos.„ Az elmúlt két évben számos videonk kezdődött így. Meséltünk a barátságról, a pénzről, az internetről. Mese közben jobban megismertük egymást, egyre


Early beta-test registration is closed

We start rolling out new features and several new solutions under LearningChess 2 in 2019. We’re really excited to be launching the first module, the new learning interface which replaces the good old Adobe Flash shortly. So, we are looking for beta-testers, whose task is to learn chess 🙂 and report us the bugs, if any. The beta test starts on May 31, 2019, and it lasts for two weeks.

LogiQ Board
Unleash Your Creativity

UPDATE: We recommend checking our new, interactive, shareable LogiQ Board here:

The LogiQ Board is a much needed smart demonstration board that is developed according to the trends of modern chess education.

It can not only be used to play chess, but students can also enjoy the built-in playful logical elements.

With LogiQ Board you can create a virtually infinite number of chess and logic exercises for children. The built-in smart elements that connect on the board,  the possibilities to add numbers, arrows, lines, fairy and checker (draughts) pieces bring the teaching and learning experience to a new level.


The first Slovak Puzzle Contest was organized by the Slovak Chess Federation and LearningChess was successfully finished. Scholastic teams and individuals were fighting for the prizes.

The participants had to gather all possible badges, and as many Trophy points as they can in the LearningChess Tactics Trainer. These have proven a daunting task…

We’re updating our Privacy Policy

Hello Chess Fan, You’ve probably been receiving lots of emails from companies notifying you of updates to privacy policies because of changes to EU data protection laws (GDPR). We’ve also updated our Privacy Policy to: Give you more clear and detailed information about your collective rights and responsibilities with respect

New Puzzle Statistics Module

LearningChess introduced a new puzzle statistics module, which is accessible in the My Progress menu.

Of course, teachers can also closely follow the puzzle solutions submitted by their students in the Learning Management System.

Chess is 99% tactics” – said Richard Teichmann, 19th century German Grandmaster, and he was right – not literally but …