Coaches using the Learning Management System regularly expand the number of their students following the initial license purchase. In this blog entry, we summarize the process and pricing, add some tips on how to reuse the licenses, and involve fellow teachers in online education.
The initial license prices are in our tiered price lists. The prices apply to users of both our branded Learning Management and White Label Academy.
Our prices may vary by country and language, primarily due to different VAT rates, but they can also be influenced by our partnership agreements.
In this article, we are using our internationally most commonly applied US-English price list as an example. The prices are for 4-month or annual licenses, including the Learning Management System and coach admin access. We want to draw attention to the 30-day risk-free trial of the entire system with any number of students.
How can I purchase student licenses?
Initially, you estimate how many students you will have throughout the year and order this number of licenses from the tiered price list. It is important to note that any number of licenses can be ordered, not just those listed in the whole number range on the price list. In such cases, we provide an exact price for the requested quantity.
Let’s say the initial license quantity is 25 for one year. According to our price list, the price is $225, which is $9 per student.
What if the number of students exceeds the initial license quantity later on?
During more than ten years of operation, LearningChess has worked with coaches to develop a flexible and fair pricing system for this scenario. The starting price for increasing the number of students is the per-student license price calculated at the initial purchase. However, we consider the remaining time until the license expires and proportionally reduce this price every quarter. You can save money by that way.
Let’s assume that ten additional licenses are needed in the first quarter. This would cost $90 (i.e., ten times the initial per-student price of $9).
If another ten students join in the second quarter, then the reduced (3/4) price must be paid, which is now only $67.5 (10 * $9 * 0.75). However, the duration of use is shorter. Following the same logic, prices decrease proportionally each quarter, with a multiplier of only 0.25 in the last quarter.
Currently, coaches can request an increase in licenses via email, but we are working on integrating this into the Learning Management System. Settlement and payment occur at the end of each quarter based on the invoice we send. Payment is always possible through PayPal.
From the above, it is evident that we want to reward the initial commitment. Fortunately, most coaches can estimate the initial license quantity based on experience. Of course, after the expiry date, the coach can decide again on the starting license quantity for the upcoming year.
How many times can I use a student license?
Student licenses can be reused as many times as needed during the subscription period. You need to remove a student who has completed their learning, and you can add a new one in their place. This way, you can multiply your revenue.
Suppose you conduct quarterly courses priced at $50 per student. In our example, the license costs $9 annually, but you sell it for $200 (4 * $50), considering your teaching effort as well. By doing this, you can significantly increase your income.
How can I involve my fellow coaches in teaching?
The Learning Management Guide explains how you can freely add an unlimited number of new teachers to individual groups using their email addresses. These teachers have so-called standard rights, meaning they do not have admin privileges but can track the progress of their group’s students online. The only drawback to this convenient and quick solution is that the teacher themselves cannot access the lessons because it is tied to a license.

However, most of the time, it is necessary for the teacher to see the lessons as well. Therefore, we suggest the following method for adding new teachers.
Create a separate group named COACHES or something like that. Add the new teachers to this group as if they were students. (You can find the description of this process in the Learning Management Guide). After that, assign the added teachers to individual groups using the MANAGE GROUPS function.
Although one license per teacher needs to be used in this way, the teachers themselves will have full access to the lessons. The new teachers do not need email addresses for that solution.