We launched the long-awaited LearningChess 2 webpage on March 1, 2021. We are sure that you will like the fresh colors, the nice pictures, and the 100% mobile-friendly design. All the LearningChess functions and lessons you are already familiar with…
…are available on the new site, but we added new features, too. Discover the LearningChess 2 website now.
The classic LearningChess website that served millions of chess fans in the last seven years will be available until June 1, 2021 at the following link: https://classic.learningchess.net. You can navigate here from the new learningchess.net menus by clicking on the ‘CLASSIC SITE’ text at the top of the screen.
The Learning Management System and the Central Management System still run on the classic site, but we will shortly integrate them into the LearningChess 2 web pages.
Of course, our developers continue adding new features to LearningChess. You can expect the following modules in 2021:
– Play menu: StockFish based interface with new design
– LogiQ Board Live: live online teaching by using LogiQ Board
– Learn menu: new design and portrait mode
– Interconnection of the Learn, Play, and LogiQ Board modules
April 2, 2021 at 8:29 am
Enjoyed reading the article above , really explains everything in detail,