Haque Academy, Pakistan uses LearningChess for 2018. Countless students have been learning from the lessons and became better players by practicing with the puzzles. Let’s see which methods they are using in learning chess.
Students usually start their chess class by doing a lesson or two the night before at home, and when they come to class, they are prepped to apply the new concepts that they have learned. The students have found that the more lessons they complete, the better they play the next day. I also allow my students to practice on the platform at school when we have computers allotted to us.
Our students also find the tactics trainer very helpful because it helps them practice against the computer and teaches then how to make better moves.
The students also say that the platform is extremely easy to access and provides a wide variety of scenarios for students, which comes in handy during intense competitions.
Our students are well prepared to handle different tactics and strategies after completing the Grandmaster lessons. They feel more confident about their planned strategies.
The following picture was taken on one of the last tournaments we took part in Pakistan:
Saira Baakza
After School Chess Teacher
Haque Academy, Pakistan