Are you a chess coach, and have you always dreamed of an online chess academy with your brand?
Do you need a modern website, too? Start here.

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  • From small clubs to countrywide projects
  • Follow your students' progress with the easy to use
    Learning Management System
  • Get access to the huge lesson and unique puzzle base


  • Buy termly or annual licenses for your students at the best market prices.
  • Check the International Price List for the UK-English Courses.
  • Enjoy the flexible pricing plans.
  • Contact us with your questions or if you want to purchase licenses.


  • 4 interactive courses with 144 lessons
  • unlimited themed puzzles, computer play on different levels
  • safe student login without email, no advertisements
  • home and scholastic use with synchronized access for all devices


Learning Chess is an online resource, but we always care for underprivileged schools in regions that need more internet access. As a part of our charity activities, we offer our first six online lessons in a workbook format for coaches and teachers whose students cannot access the World Wide Web. And all of that for free!

You can download the free book here.

Enjoy Learning Chess!


"I regularly use the Learning Management feature to check on the activity of my students; it is extremely useful to know who has done what and how they got on with the lessons."

Rita, Chess Coach, Cambridge UK, 150+ Students

Read the full story here


"Ghiyasuddin International School integrated chess into the curriculum, as the first school to do this in Maldives. LearningChess serves 600 students and 20 teachers."

Thoha, Principal, Male Maldives, 600 Students

Read the full story here


"It's a real pleasure to learn chess with your website which has a great pedagogic approach. It is a quality tool from which I can get a lot of inspiration for my teaching practice."

Guillaume, Math Teacher, France, 50 Students

Read the full story here


"The site is ideal for teachers like myself who are not expert chess players themselves but enjoy the game and would like to help students learn to play and enjoy the game of chess."

Manos, English teacher, Greece, 65 students

Read the full story here


"By incorporating the tools that the web-based program has to offer, students are able to meld this truly wonderful sport with a modern medium that they feel confident in."

Mario, Teacher, Miami Florida, 200+ Students

Read the full story here


"LearningChess ensures centrally managed, countrywide access to its online chess education material and tools for Czech primary schools and chess clubs."

Czech Chess Federation
600+ schools and chess clubs

Read the full story here